Dear Vinny,
I'm a Texas ranch owner looking to expand my portfolio and buy out West. What should I know about ranching and buying in the West? What seasonal challenges might I face compared to Texas?
Posted: Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Author: Vinny Delgado, Partner, Ranch Sales | Licensed in MT
Dear Vinny,
I'm a Texas ranch owner looking to expand my portfolio and buy out West. What should I know about ranching and buying in the West? What seasonal challenges might I face compared to Texas?
Dear Texas,
There are piles of information online about what it takes to ranch in the Western United States. Your biggest challenge with Texas vs. the Western States will be the climate. Dealing with winter and having to feed and, most of the time, calves during those months is considerably more work. However, the rewards can be greater with more productive rangeland in most parts of the West. I recommend purchasing cows that are accustomed to the Western climate, as your survival rates will be much higher. Good luck out West!
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