It's a natural evolution. Someone somewhere shares a glass of an exceptional bottle of wine. All of a sudden, you get it. There is no putting that cork back in the bottle. From that day forward, your palate has changed.

Soon, you want to be the one offering your latest delicious find. Each dinner party and holiday is an opportunity to share and discover wines from every corner of the planet. You convert a part of your house into a showcase wine cellar. You make new friends and celebrate old ones over a carefully selected bottle of something scarce.

I've seen this progression so many times that I've lost count. The most fascinating part of this magic is that it has been happening for thousands of years. No other business has such a rich and captivating history.

At some point, nearly every lover of fine wine becomes curious about the business end of their passion, often becoming owners or investors in vineyards, wineries, restaurants, or wine shops. This is often not the case in other industries and is seemingly unique to the wine industry. Collectors of fine cars don't become investors in a car company. No, the wine business is different than all others. It pulls us to the romantic experience of strolling among the vines, the intensity of the harvest, the smells of the winery, and the visceral thrill of barrel tastings and release parties.