I initially wrote the article, ‘How to Buy a Ranch,’ for our first issue of Land Investor magazine back in 2014. Although most of the information is timeless, a few things have changed since then. So, I’ve decided to update and refresh the article in honor of the 10th-anniversary edition of Land Investor magazine.

Before I start with How to Invest in Land, some of you may wonder Why Invest in Land. Great question.

Investing in land was a niche market when I started my career in 1986 and founded Fay in 1992. Very few people understood the unique attributes of land as an asset. Over time, this has changed, and the most dramatic accelerator was COVID-19. An entirely new audience realized land is an excellent investment and the most effective way to maintain social distance. My family and I retreated to our ranch during COVID-19, and there wasn't another person within a mile. I hesitate to say this due to the amount of suffering COVID-19 caused, but it was one of the best family times we've had.

The pandemic exposed land investing to a much larger audience, and I don't see that genie being put back in the bottle. Although the motivation of investors during the pandemic was insulating their families, they have since realized some of the other attributes of land as an investment that a smaller audience has understood for decades.

First and foremost, large tracts of land are a finite tangible asset. There is less of it every year due to subdivision and aggregation. Unlike residential or commercial real estate, they're not making any more of it. Supply is low and decreasing, and demand is growing, which is excellent for the investor when it's time to sell and challenging for the buyer.